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Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python - MIT

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MIT

Introduction to Computational Thinking - MIT

CS 50 - Introduction to Computer Science, Harvard University

CS 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [Python], UC Berkeley

CPSC 110 - Systematic Program Design [Racket], University of British Columbia

CS50's Understanding Technology

CSE 142 Computer Programming I (Java Programming) - University of Washington

CS 1301 Intro to computing - Gatech

CS 106A - Programming Methodology, Stanford University (Lecture Videos)

CS 106B - Programming Abstractions, Stanford University (Lecture Videos)

CS 106L - Standard C++ Programming(Lecture Videos)

CS 106X - Programming Abstractions in C++ (Lecture Videos)

CS 107 - Programming Paradigms, Stanford University

CmSc 150 - Introduction to Programming with Arcade Games, Simpson College

LINFO 1104 - Paradigms of computer programming, Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium - EdX

FP 101x - Introduction to Functional Programming, TU Delft

Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming - IIT Kanpur

Introduction to programming in C - IIT Kanpur

Programming in C++ - IIT Kharagpur

Python Boot Camp Fall 2016 - Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS)

CS 101 - Introduction to Computer Science - Udacity

6.00SC - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - MIT OCW

6.00 - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - MIT OCW

6.01SC - Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I - MIT OCW

Modern C++ Course (2018) - Bonn University

Modern C++ (Lecture & Tutorials, 2020, Vizzo & Stachniss) - University of Bonn

UW Madison CS 368 C++ for Java Programmers , by Michael Doescher

UW Madison CS 354 Machine Organization and Programming , by Michael Doescher

Cornell ECE 4960 Computational and Software Engineering , by Edwin Kan


Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures - mycodeschool

Algorithmic Game Theory - Uni Bonn

NETS 4120: Algorithmic Game Theory - UPenn

Introduction to Game Theory and Mechanism Design - IIT Kanpur

15-850 Advanced Algorithms - CMU

CS 270. Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures

CMU 15 850 Advanced Algorithms, by Anupam Gupta

UC Berkeley CS 294-165 Sketching Algorithms, by Jelani Nelson

UIUC CS 498 ABD / CS 598 CSC Algorithms for Big Data, by Chandra Chekuri

Algorithms for Data Science by Anil Maheshwari

CMU 15 859 Algorithms for Big Data , by David Woodruff

ECS 36C - Data Structures and Algorithms (C++) - Joël Porquet-Lupine - UC Davis

Programming and Data Structures with Python, Sem I - by Prof. Madhavan Mukund, CMI

6.006 - Introduction to Algorithms, MIT OCW

MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms: Design and Analysis 1 - Stanford University

Algorithms: Design and Analysis 2 - Stanford University

COS 226 Algorithms, Youtube, Princeton - by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne

CSE 331 Introduction to Algorithm Design and Analysis, SUNY University at Buffalo, NY

CSE 373 - Analysis of Algorithms, Stony Brook - Prof Skiena

COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithms, Prof Sahni, UFL (Videos)

CS225 - Data Structures - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Video lectures)

CS2 - Data Structures and Algorithms - Richard Buckland - UNSW

Data Structures - Pepperdine University

CS 161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Prof. Tim Roughgarden, Stanford University

6.046J - Introduction to Algorithms - MIT OCW

Introduction to Algorithms , MIT OCW

6.046 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms - MIT OCW

CS 473 - Algorithms - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Notes - Jeff Erickson) (YouTube)

COMP300E - Programming Challenges, Prof Skiena, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

16s-4102 - Algorithms, University of Virginia (Youtube)

CS 61B - Data Structures (Java) - UC Berkeley(Youtube)

CS 170 Algorithms - UCBerkeley, Youtube Fall 2018,Bilibili 2013 Bilibili

ECS 122A - Algorithm Design and Analysis, UC Davis

CSEP 521 - Applied Algorithms - University of Washington (Videos)

Data Structures And Algorithms - IIT Delhi

Design and Analysis of Algorithms - IIT Bombay

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms - IIT Madras

Design and Analysis of Algorithms - IIT Madras

Fundamental Algorithms:Design and Analysis - IIT Kharagpur

Programming and Data Structure - IIT Kharagpur

Programming, Data structures and Algorithms - IIT Madras

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - IIT Madras

Programming and Data structures (PDS) - IIT Madras

COP 5536 Advanced Data Structures, Prof Sahni - UFL (Videos)

CS 261 - A Second Course in Algorithms, Stanford University (Youtube)

CS 224 - Advanced Algorithms, Harvard University (Lecture Videos) (Youtube)

CS 6150 - Advanced Algorithms, University of Utah

CS 6150 - Advanced Algorithms , University of Utah

ECS 222A - Graduate Level Algorithm Design and Analysis, UC Davis

6.851 - Advanced Data Structures, MIT (MIT OCW)

6.854 - Advanced Algorithms, MIT (Prof. Karger lectures)

CS264 Beyond Worst-Case Analysis, - Tim Roughgarden Lecture (Youtube)

CS364A Algorithmic Game Theory, - Tim Roughgarden Lectures

CS364B Advanced Mechanism Design, - Tim Roughgarden Lectures

Algorithms - Aduni

6.889 - Algorithms for Planar Graphs and Beyond MIT

6.890 Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs - MIT OCW

Computer Algorithms - 2 - IIT Kanpur

Parallel Algorithm - IIT Kanpur

Graph Theory - IISC Bangalore

System Programming

CS 4414 - Operating Systems, University of Virginia (rust-class)

CS 4414 Operating Systems, Fall 2018 - University of Virginia

CSE 421/521 - Introduction to Operating Systems, SUNY University at Buffalo, NY - Spring 2016 (Lectures - YouTube) (Recitations 2016) (Assignment walkthroughs)

CS 377 - Operating Systems, Fall 16 - Umass OS

6.828 - Operating System Engineering [Fall 2014]

6.S081 - Operating System Engineering [Fall 2020]

CSE 30341 - Operating Systems, Spr 2008

CSEP 551 Operating Systems Autumn 2014 - University of Washington

Introduction to Operating Systems - IIT Madras

CS194 Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation, Spring 2013 InfoCoBuild, UC Berkeley

CSE 60641 - Graduate Operating Systems, Fall 08

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

CS 677 - Distributed Operating Systems, Spring 16 - Umass OS

CS 436 - Distributed Computer Systems - U Waterloo

6.824 - Distributed Systems, Spring 2015 - MIT

6.824 Distributed Systems - Spring 2020 - MIT (Youtube)

Distributed Systems Lecture Series

CSEP 552 - PMP Distributed Systems, Spring 2013 - University of Washington (Videos)

CSE 490H - Scalable Systems: Design, Implementation and Use of Large Scale Clusters, Autumn 2008 - University of Washington (Videos)

MOOC - Cloud Computing Concepts - UIUC

Distributed Systems (Prof. Pallab Dasgupta)

EdX KTHx ID2203 Reliable Distributed Algorithms

Distributed Data Management - Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Information Retrieval and Web Search Engines - Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Middleware and Distributed Systems (WS 2009/10) - Dr. Martin von Löwis - HPI

CSE 138 - Distributed Systems - UC Santa Cruz, Spring 2020 (2021)

CPCS 663 - Real-Time Systems: Video Material - TAMU

Real Time Systems - IIT Kharagpur

6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems - MIT OCW

Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems - IIT Madras

Storage Systems - IISC Bangalore

MAP6264 - Queueing Theory - FAU(Video Lectures)

EE 380 Colloquium on Computer Systems - Stanford University (Lecture videos)

CS 162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming - University of California, Berkeley

CS124 Operating Systems - California Institute of Technology - Youtube

ECS 150 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming - UC Davis

CS110: Principles of Computer Systems - Stanford

Systems - Aduni

CS 4400 – Computer Systems - Utah

CS 3650 - Computer Systems - NEU


Introduction to Computer Systems - CMU

Database Systems

CMPSC 431W Database Management Systems - Penn State University Lectures - YouTube

CS121 - Introduction to Relational Database Systems - Caltech

CS 5530 - Database Systems - University of Utah

Distributed Data Management - HPI University of Potsdam

MOOC - Database Stanford Dbclass

CSEP 544, Database Management Systems - University of Washington

Database Design - IIT Madras

Fundamentals of Database Systems - IIT Kanpur

Principles of Database Management, Bart Baesens

FIT9003 Database Systems Design - Monash University

15-445 - Introduction to Database Systems, CMU 

15-721 - Database Systems, CMU 

15-721 Advanced Database Systems - CMU

CS122 - Relational Database System Implementation - Caltech

CS 186 - Database Systems, UC Berkeley

CS 6530 - Graduate-level Database Systems, University of Utah

6.830/6.814 - Database Systems

Informatics 1 - Data & Analysis - University of Edinburgh

Database Management Systems, Aduni

D4M - Signal Processing on Databases

In-Memory Data Management Prof. Hasso Plattner - HPI

Distributed Data Management - Dr. Thorsten Papenbrock - HPI

CS122d - NoSQL Data Management - Prof. Mike Carey - UC Irvine

Software Engineering

ECE 462 Object-Oriented Programming using C++ and Java - Purdue

Object-oriented Program Design and Software Engineering - Aduni

OOSE - Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Dr. Tim Lethbridge

Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design (Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World)

CS 251 - Intermediate Software Design (C++ version) - Vanderbilt University

OOSE - Software Dev Using UML and Java

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - IIT Kharagpur

CS3 - Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW

Informatics 1 - Object-Oriented Programming - University of Edinburgh

Software Engineering with Objects and Components - University of Edinburgh

Computer Science 169- Software Engineering - UCBerkeley

Computer Science 169- Software Engineering - UCBerkeley

CS 5150 - Software Engineering - Cornell University

Introduction to Service Design and Engineering - University of Trento, Italy

CS 164 Software Engineering - Harvard

System Analysis and Design - IISC Bangalore

Software Engineering - IIT Bombay

Dependable Systems - HPI University of Potsdam

Software Testing - IIT Kharagpur

Software Testing - Udacity

Software Debugging - Udacity

Software Engineering - Bauhaus-Uni Weimar

CS 411 - Software Architecture Design - Bilkent University

MOOC - Software Architecture & Design - Udacity

CS176 - Multiprocessor Synchronization - Brown University 

CS 282 : Concurrent Java Network Programming in Android

CSE P 506 – Concurrency - University of Washington 

CSEP 524 - Parallel Computation - University of Washington 

Parallel Programming Concepts - HPI University of Potsdam

Parallel Programming Concepts - HPI University of Potsdam

UIUC ECE 408 / CS 408 Applied Parallel Programming spring

UIUC ECE 508 / CS 508 Manycore Parallel Algorithms

UIUC CS 420 / ECE 492 / CSE 402 Introduction to Parallel Programming for Scientists and Engineers

Stanford CME 213 Introduction to Parallel Computing using MPI, openMP, and CUDA

MOOC Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems - University of Maryland

CS 193p - Developing Applications for iOS, Stanford University

CS S-76 Building Mobile Applications - Harvard

CS 251 : Intermediate Software Design

Android App Development for Beginners Playlist - thenewboston

Android Application Development Tutorials - thenewboston

MOOC - Developing Android Apps - Udacity

MOOC - Advanced Android App Development - Udacity

CSSE490 Android Development Rose-Hulman Winter 2010-2011, Dave Fisher

iOS Course, Dave Fisher

Developing iPad Applications for Visualization and Insight - Carnegie Mellon University

Mobile Computing - IIT Madras

Mobile Information Systems - Bauhaus-Uni Weimar

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