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How to Calculate Your High School GPA: A Beginner's Guide

Updated: Jan 14

GPA, or Grade Point Average, is a standardized way of measuring academic performance in high school and college. The calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) in high school varies somewhat across different educational systems and schools. However, a common method used in the United States involves assigning numerical values to letter grades and then averaging those values. It's a numerical value used to represent your overall academic performance in high school.

Here is a typical approach:

Letter Grade to Grade Points Conversion:

  • A standard scale is used to convert letter grades to grade points. The scale often looks like this:

  • A: 4.0

  • B: 3.0

  • C: 2.0

  • D: 1.0

  • F: 0.0

Course Weighting (Honors and AP Courses):

  • Some schools may use a weighted GPA system to account for the difficulty of honors or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. In a weighted system, grades in these courses receive additional points. For example:

  • A in regular class: 4.0

  • A in honors class: 4.5

  • A in AP class: 5.0

How is GPA Calculated in High School?

There are two main ways GPA is calculated in high school:

  • Simple GPA: This is the basic average of your grade points, without additional weighting.

  • Weighted GPA: This assigns higher point values to courses considered more challenging (e.g., Honors or AP classes). This gives a more accurate picture of your academic performance, especially if you take rigorous courses.

To calculate GPA:

  1. For each class, multiply the grade points by the credit hours (usually 1.0 for a standard class).

  2. Sum up these weighted grade points.

  3. Divide this sum by the total credit hours.


  • English (A, 4.0) * 1.0 credit = 4.0 weighted grade points

  • Math (B, 3.0) * 1.0 credit = 3.0 weighted grade points

  • History (A, 4.0) * 1.0 credit = 4.0 weighted grade points

Total weighted grade points = 11.0

Total credit hours = 3.0

GPA = 11.0 / 3.0 = 3.67

Cumulative GPA:

The cumulative GPA is the average of all course GPAs. It includes grades from all years of high school, providing an overall measure of academic performance.

It's important to note that variations in GPA calculation methods exist, and some schools may use different scales or weighing systems. Additionally, some schools may calculate unweighted GPAs, while others use a weighted system exclusively. It's recommended to check with the specific high school or school district for their GPA calculation method and policies.

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